Welcome to my Art space! I'm so glad you are here!
Natasha Freeman

Artist's statement

To be able to see the beauty around you is a conscious choice of every person, and to be able to create to this beauty is my conscious choice as an artist.
Performing my art, I return the lost beauty to people. I create beauty from nothingness, from emptiness. I restore it from the ruins of conceptual ideas, making it sound differently in the word full of colours and emotions created by me. I apply painting techniques of an impressionist artist to give the beauty a new shape. I give it volume with a palette knife making it three-dimensional.
I fill the beauty with symbols, which should make everybody think of acute problems in the present world: the freedom choice and the responsibility for the choices we make, the inner freedom of people and the obstacles on the way to that freedom.
I manifest: “ Stop for a moment and look at the world with my eyes, and you will understand and feel how actually free and powerful you are in this wonderful world. I strongly believe there is nothing that can stop you from paving your own path. You are as free as a bird.”
I derive my inspiration from the world around me. In my paintings I try to reflect not only the colours of our beautiful world but also the emotions it stirs in me.
For me, beauty is like a beast. It cannot be tamed. It can only be admired in its wild form. So l show it to people the way it is, believing deeply like Dostoyevsky that "the beauty will save the world".

Natalya Ponomoreva (artist’s pseudonym is Natasha Freeman)  is an impressionist artist. In her work applying painting techniques of impressionism she strives to reinterpret this style, give it a new life and make it sound more modern.
She fills her artworks with symbols which encourage viewers to think about problems of the modern world such as the freedom of choice, the responsibility for the choices we make, inner freedom of people and facing challenges  on the way to that freedom. 
Following her true calling she got a degree in interior design at the St. Peterburg High School of Design and Technologies. And later to become a full-time artist  she graduated from the Sverdlovsk Art School.  She also attended a summer course of academic drawing and painting at the Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts, studied  Renaissance art at Charles III University of Madrid and took an online course in after war abstract art at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the USA.
Natasha Freeman is a current member of the Union of Russian Artists. She   has shown her work in both solo and group exhibitions in the USA, Italy, France, Greece, Russia and Kazakhstan. Her artworks are in private collections in the USA, Germany, Russia and Kazakhstan.

  • 2023- Online Art Communication School by Julia Sysalova, Greece.
  • 2017-2019 - Repin Art Institute (St Petersburg State Arts Academy). Studied classes as a non-resident student.
  • 2017 - MoMA , on-line course “Postwar Abstract Painting”.
  • 2017 - Repin Art Institute (St Petersburg State Arts Academy). summer school program on academic drawing and painting.
  • 2015 - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. On-line course “European Paintings: From Leonardo to Rembrandt to Goya”.
  • 2014-2017 - I.D.Shadr Sverdlovsk Art School. Studied classes as a non-resident student.
  • 2006-2007 - Higher School of Design and Technology in St. Petersburg, graduated in the department of interior design.
2023 - Exhibition "BLOSSOM ON/OFF'. Gallery "SAL SERI", Astana, Kazakstan.
2019 - Exhibition “. "LOVE AND OTHER COLORS”. Gallery “SUNFLOWERS”, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
2018 - Exhibition “ONCE THERE WAS SUMMER", Gallery UPP “VECTOR”, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
2017 - Exhibition “URAL’S FLAVOR”. Gallery “WINDOWS”, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
2016 - Exhibition “FAR AND NEAR HORIZONS”. Gallery “ALBUM” , Ekaterinburg, Russia.

2024 - San Francisco ART FAIR with Perseus Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
2024 - INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL GROUP EXHIBITION“Nature”, Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art
2024 - EXHIBITION “ SHARE YOUR heART”, lagunaArt Gallery, Laguna Beach, California, USA.
2024 - EXHIBITION “Street life”, San Francisco Women Artist Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
2023 - "Beyond Borders X". Artie Gallery. International Digital Group Exhibition.
2023 - INSPIREFEST, Astana, Kazakstan.
2023 - International exhibition “Future stars” ,The Holy Art Gallery, Athenes, Greece; London, UK.
2023 - International exhibition "WOMAN", BARBAGELATA Contemporary Art Foundation, Italy.
2023 - BAY AREA OPEN ART , Cupertino, California, USA.
2023 - BIG SPRING MUZART FESTIVAL , Bayland Park, California, USA.
2015 - 2019 - Participation in annual international plein air “CO - CREATION”. Participation in the final exhibition. Staroutkinsk, Russia.
2014 - Participation in annual international plein air program "CREATIVE DACHA". Participation in the final exhibition. Fourges, Normandia, France.
2013 - Participation in annual international plein air event within the framework of the year of Russian culture in Italy . Participation in the final exhibition. Grottemmare, Italy.

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln.

Series "Blossom on/off"
Every person can choose blossoming as a life credo. Blossom for me is a conscious choice to be free inside  and   have courage to talk about it.  
But what is freedom? How can we define how much freedom is enough? Is there a line which separates freedom from chaos and anarchy? Or is it people who create obstacles in their minds to justify their lack of freedom?
In our society both freedom and control are essential and the goal is  to find the balance between them.
"Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, that person is responsible for everything he does." Sartre
In my series of artworks I have used the classic techniques of impressionism. With an abundance of colors  I return to people beauty and sense of freedom.  I create them from nothingness, from emptiness. I restore them from the ruins of the conceptual ideas, give them a new shape and make them sound differently in my artistic universe. 
Which choice is to be made: to prohibit yourself to be free making up excuses, to abandon your path to freedom because of some real life obstacles  or to allow yourself to blossom despite anything or to cross the line where chaos begins ?      This exhibition is to encourage its viewers to make this choice.

 “I am my own freedom." Sartre.
Series "Unlock identity".
Series "...lightness of existent"

Our life is full of lightness, because all of us are like butterflies in this world, in the infinite
time flow of the universe a human life seems to be a brief moment .
Every person’s life carries a mysterious randomness, our future cannot be completely
predetermined by our actions. We are mesmerized as we look into the future trying to predict
what’s coming. As a result if we overthink the consequences all the time, our actions become unbearable, so life can turn into the "unbearable lightness of existence”.
While making a decision we have to step into the unknown, into infinite spaces of the
color, or as Mark Rothko once put it, set off on "an unpredictable journey into an unknown world." In this series of paintings, like Rothko, I have achieved the vibrancy and depth of the color by
applying it layer by layer.
I restore beauty from the ruins of conceptual art", restore its natural form and give it
volume with a pallete knife. In my art I try to capture the Zeitgeist - the spirit of our era.
Our lives are fragile and beautiful. When you have to make a decision, it is important not
to lose yourself, listen carefully to your heart, preserve the feeling of lightness, happiness and
mental integrity. It is important to accept yourself as you are, to allow yourself to make mistakes
and live here and now.

"It takes very little to encourage beauty in someone's soul. Sleeping angels are easy to wake up". Maeterlinck.
The Birth of Beauty
Beauty, where are you ? Can you be found? Searching for you I have created a new series of artworks "The Birth of Beauty" For me it is more than just a series of new pictures or a new concept , it is also an experience with a new paint :  mysterious and upredictable acrylic. Its smudges created the Black Square, "The Great Zeroing" from which you, the beauty of sping blossom, come to life. You fill me with the positive energy of transformation and I share it with my viewers. Friends, can you feel her?

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